Find out more about the campaign UNITED FOR AFRICA What is UNITED FOR AFRICA? UNITED FOR AFRICA is a concerted campaign of 23 aid and humanitarian organisations and its goodwill ambassadors Anne Will (popular German anchorwoman) and Wolfgang Niedecken (Leadsinger of the German band BAP). Together with the German President Christian Wulff, who is patronising the campaign, we appeal to the German population to donate for the improvement of the conditions of life on the African continent. The big advantage of UNITED FOR AFRICA is that we offer one joint campaign with one donation account. Who is behind UNITED FOR AFRICA? UNITED FOR AFRICA is an alliance of the following aid and emergency organisations: action medeor, ADRA, Aktion Canchanabury, Aktionsgemeinschaft Solidarische Welt, Ärzte für die Dritte Welt, AWO International, CARE Deutschland-Luxemburg, ChildFund Deutschland e.V., Deutsche Stiftung Weltbevölkerung, Deutsche Welthungerhilfe e.V., Don Bosco JUGEND DRITTE WELT, Stiftung der Deutschen Lions, Das Hunger Projekt e.V., Islamic Relief Humanitäre Organisation in Deutschland e.V., Johanniter-Unfall-Hilfe e.V., Kinderhilfswerk Global-Care, Kindernothilfe, Kinderrechte Afrika e.V., Malteser International, Oxfam Deutschland, Quäker-Hilfe Stiftung, UNO-Flüchtlingshilfe e.V., World Vision. Where will UNITED FOR AFRICA take place? UNITED FOR AFRICA is a nationwide campaign made up of a large number of various events and promotions. Detailed dates and places of the various campaign events in 2007 can be found in our event calendar. Why does UNITED FOR AFRICA exist? The aim of UNITED FOR AFRICA is to act against the conception of Africa as the "lost continent" and to attract the attention of the German public not only to the long-term plight and poverty of millions of people on the African continent, but also to their potential and the signs of hope. The main focus of this years campaign are the topics AIDS and poverty. About 6000 people die each day in Africa of the consequences of AIDS - a fact we want to highlight with our campaign. But it is also our aim to show that in spite of AIDS, war, hunger, diseases and poverty, people in Africa do not despair but are ready to confront their fate as well as to take it into their own hands. To establish long-lasting, reasonable solutions, they need our help continually. What are the objectives of UNITED FOR AFRICA? With the slogan UNITED FOR AFRICA we appeal to the German population for their support and call on them to donate money for the people in need in Africa. Our aim is to recognise the humanitarian challenges of our world and to demonstrate that in Germany we take our responsibility seriously and act accordingly. Who supports UNITED FOR AFRICA? UNITED FOR AFRICA is patronised by the German President Horst Köhler and supported by its goodwill ambassadors Anne Will (popular anchorwoman), Wolfgang Niedecken (musician) as well as more than 100 other celebrities. We would also like to thank our Partners and Sponsors for their support. What is going to happen with the donations? All donations are directly channelled to aid projects in Africa of the organisations aligned in UNITED FOR AFRICA. Donations are distributed according to a special distribution key: 30% of the donations will be uniformly distributed among the 25 organisations. The remaining 70% are split up according to the amount that each organisation expends for aid projects in Africa.