We support people with ideasSince 1957, The Action for World Solidarity Organisation (ASW) has supported small, self- initiated groups in India, Africa and Brazil, which try to strengthen and improve the situation of women, strive for environmental protection, or attempt to achieve social and cultural human rights.Action for World Solidarity promotes projects which have already begun working, proven their effectiveness and need further financial assistance in order to continue functioning. Instead of sending experts or development-helpers abroad, we leave the responsibility of running the projects entirely to those people who have initiated them.ASW supports small projects over a number of years in order to allow them time to become established and capable of securing their own financial sources.Project support is only given to groups which have common, long-term goals, which are grounded in a local society. Decisions regarding all aspects of the project must be reached democratically with the participation of women.In the past, our project work has crystallized into specific regional aspects. We give our support to projects in countries in which we are able to recognize and estimate the present economical and political situation. This helps us to understand the project´s intentions and goals and to judge its chances of success. Currently the countries supported by ASW are India, Brazil, Senegal, Burkina Faso, West Sahara and Zimbabwe. At the moment, we do not accept requests of financial support from any other countries.In India, the Center for World Solidarity (CWS) in Hyderabad has taken over the administration of our projects.We give our support to:Protection of the EnvironmentWomens´ EmpowermentThe Promotion of Social and Economic RightsContact:Aktionsgemeinschaft Solidarische Welt, ASW (Action for World Solidarity) Potsdamer Straße 89 10785 BerlinRead more.